Cat Island

There is a little island off the coast of Japan called Tashirojima, or cat island, where the felines outnumber the humans. 


An ancient belief that to feed a cat brings prosperity, has allowed the stray population to boom. 


Unsurprisingly dogs have been outlawed and it is more or less prohibited to bring one on to the island. 


Non-cat lovers have long since left the island and the locals treat the cats lovingly. In fact there is a cat shrine there!


All in all it's a pretty good place to be a cat... a pretty bad place to be a mouse. 


How Wolves Change Rivers

A beautiful insight into the delicate, yet ever-changing balance of nature...
Also a nice indicator of how bad-ass wolves are. 

Say What You Really Mean

With the absence of body language and tone of voice, written communication can sometimes leave our intentions unclear. But it doesn't have to be so...
Here are 8 new punctuation marks that could make texts, letters and emails a whole lot more straightforward.

8 New Punctuation Marks - Image 10

8 New Punctuation Marks We Desperately Need - Image 10

8 New Punctuation Marks - Image 10

8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks - Image 1

8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks - Image 1

8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks - Image 1

8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks - Image 1

8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks - Image 1

Source: College Humour

Getting a little funky...

This ridiculous song and video is pretty much a guaranteed grump-buster. Especially if you add that killer dance move. You've gotta love the seventies...